This is a collection of articles I wrote between 2010 and 2013; I had gangrene off and on much of the time, and in-between a sick kitty so little time to write it turned out, and so I wrote mostly on food, as I and the kitty had to eat and as food helped her. (I suppose suite 101 wanted me to work for clicks; but I saw my article writing as doing a service of sorts, and wrote in part also for the link to my content. I did appreciate any money I earned there which was not a lot, but it was nice to alleviate the cost of writing some.)


Teacher Certification: Revolving Doors In City Schools
Teacher Retention, Teacher Experience, and Student Achievement
Testing Lowdown: Florida FCAT Practices and Scores
Identity and the Achievement Gap
Bilingualism and Achievement
Review:Dale Eickelman's Knowledge and Power in Morocco: The Education of a Twentieth-century Notable
Valuing Foreign Language Study
3 Rs: Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic Across the Curriculum
East Europe: Education: Supply and Demand
High Tech Development and the University
Bankruptcy and U.S. Student Loans
Student Loans: Who Defaults?

Learn Arabic

Learn Arabic Online
Arabic Grammar Basics: Nouns and Noun Phrases
Arabic Grammar Basics: Equational Sentences

Genealogy, Family History

Sleuthing Family History Online: Tips and Resources
Using U.S. Census Data in Genealogical Research
Texas Cowboys: Life on the Cattle Trail

Technology and Computing

Review: Wendell Odom's CCENT and CCNA 1 and 2 Guides


Stress on the Chattahoochee: Three States' Water War
In the Wake of the Oil Spill: Protecting Appalachicola's Treasures (this article is out of date but one of my favorites)

Lyme Disease

Lyme (and Other Rickettsial Bacteria and Diseases) (updated recently)


Fine-tuning Hastelloy N in MSRs: Better, Costlier Alloys


Kepler 22B: An Earthlike Planet in the Direction of Vega
Wormholes and Negative Energy
Elusive Neutrinos: Clues to the Universe?"
Neutrino Mass, Neutrino Oscillation, and Sterile Neutrinos
STS 107: Columbia's Last Mission: A Look back
STS 107: Columbia Tragedy: Were There Options?

Food and Recipes

Fresh Mango Salsa, With Roasted Red Pepper and Ginger
Wild Salmon Grilled in Wild Grape Leaves
Vegetarian Potato Salad
Vegan, Gluten-Free, Pecan-Fudge Brownies
Everything Chocolate Cookies
Four-pepper Iron-skillet Cornbread
Vegetarian Red Beans and Rice
Kale: A Vegetable to Ward off Winter Blues
Yams (Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Taro Too)
Canning Safely
Beans About Beans
Canned Beans, Dried Beans
MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), Sodium, and Glutamate
Gluten-free baking, or Just Baking Without Wheat, on a Budget
Mexican Corn: Traditional Farming Practices, NAFTA, and Variety
U.S.: Increasing Reliance on Food Imports
Farm Labor: Hot and Dusty in the Face of Stricter Labor Laws

All articles, copyright C. E. Whitehead, 2010 - 2013. The articles indexed here were originally published at suite101.